Thursday, March 08, 2012

Jonah Lehrer, on causality

"A cause is not a fact. It’s a fiction that helps us make sense of facts"

John Jeremiah Sullivan, on Jesus Christ

"His breakthrough was the aestheticization of weakness"

Henry Ford, on innovation

"Most of the present acute troubles of the world arise out of taking on new ideas without first carefully investigating to discover if they are good ideas"

Malcolm Gladwell, on theory

"People are information-rich and theory-poor. If you can give them a way of organizing their experience, then their minds are wide open"

Leon Wieseltier, on browsing

"When you search, you find what you were looking for; when you browse, you find what you were not looking for"

Kenan Malik, on belief

"No one comes to believe in God because they have been convinced by the arguments for God’s existence"